How to Get in Shape – first post

Before we get deeply into your individual self-improvement project, I want to explain the Life Framing Approach in just a nutshell.  Life Framing is the opportunity to take charge of your own life.  It’s about rescripting your future story.  It’s about reframing the challenges that you have right now and taking the leading role in your professional and personal life.  It’s a process of self-improvement and change.

But change is hard.  We all know that.  Fortunately, change and accomplishing our goals can also be simple.  I’m training right now to run a marathon. It’s a very simple training process. But I still find it very challenging and hard to do.

We’re going to tackle creating a sustainable, substantial change in your life by simplifying the process.  I’m going to begin by introducing you to the three roles you play in your own life story. I will use the metaphor of professional storytelling to explain the psychological principles I want you to embrace.   However, what is most important about your self-improvement project is what you do – each and every day!  Not what metaphor or language I use.  So translate these three activities in to whatever language you choose.  The principles will still work and you will still gain more control over your life if you follow these three steps.

The three roles in professional storytelling that have the most creative control over the final product are: the script writer, the director, and the lead actor.  In my upcoming book I explain these three roles and how they relate to what you need to do to take control over your life in more detail. Come back here to for more on this topic in the future.

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